Sitting on the dam, some OOC musings

First, isn't this view great??  This is in Santa Ramona Valley on the dam.  I'm overlooking the city.  If you have any pretty spots for pictures please feel free to leave them in the comments, or IM me in SL, lithelsnail :)  I love pictures!

So let's start out with what's what.
The sim is Santa Ramona Valley, modern urban RP based in southern CA.  It's 2 sims, Sinpusher (The main) and The Legacy (the secondary).  It's a nice sim that's come a long ways and evolved a lot since the beginnings.  Check it out in SL search!
The hair is a 35L$ gift until Sunday, 2/3/2019 from Escalated, one of my favorite hair stores.  I'm wearing it in black at the moment.  I like shorter hairstyles, so if you know of a cheap one or a really good one, again hit me up!
The eyebrows are from my favorite makeup designer ever, Pout!  Go visit her in store!  These are Diva Brows for Lelutka in a lighter brown shade, a gift from my friend Claudia <3
The head is Lelutka, one of her newer ones called Aida, which I really like.  It was so simple to shape, I loved adjusting her shape, and thanks to Heil Cain for not making me look smooshed face and giving her a fantastic ass <3 (You'll see it at some point :P )
The tattoos are custom, and the shirt you can't really see is from Rize productions based out of Crack Den.

So onto the post.

Not sure what all went down last night (2/1/2019) but I woke up to an absolute shitshow.  Then the threats throughout the day, including this gem from Aiden (Yes, name and shame, my give a fucks are gone):

So I've temporarily shut my twitter, and took down the post.  Everyone wants to blame me, fine, go for it.  I've sat here and been nice for months, and been walked all over, treated like dirt, taken advantage of, told I'm the 'same fucking bitch you used to be'.  Yeah, that one hurt.  At the end of the day, Two notecards were sent out.  NP happened to get back to me first.  So they got first dibs.  I don't know who did what or who fucked who or what went down, and I really don't give a shit.  At the end of the day all I wanted was to help promote some sims I enjoyed RPing in.  SRV was scheduled to be next, followed by Vestal and San Carlo, in whatever  order they came in.  But no.  You people, and you know who you are, started a total shit show.  Instead of blaming the person who answered the questions, you all blamed me.  Like I had something to do with it.  So someone explain why I am the bad guy?  Why am I getting blamed for what someone else said?  I didn't write those answers.  I didn't write half the damn questions even, you did.  I polled 8 random people in the NP group and added their questions in.  I'm not going to say who because frankly I can't remember, they were anon questions and I promised those people I would keep it that way.

So I don't know where I stand anymore.  I'm deeply hurt, all I wanted to do was help people out, and instead everyone turns on me, blames me, says I did this shit intentionally, claims I'm stirring the pot, me me me.  All me, all my fault.  Why?  I don't understand?

So, I'm not sure where to go from here.  I left a bunch of discord RP servers, left some groups, and aside from some scheduled stuff I'm not sure when I'll be back to RP.  I'm only human in the end, I have feelings too, and all this has put me at an all time low emotionally. 

Thanks.  Haters: 1.  Me: 0.


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